[mapserver-users] Howto generate 24-bit png data from mapscript?
Guillaume Sueur
guillaume.sueur at neogeo-online.net
Tue May 6 02:44:44 PDT 2008
Did you try using
map.setOutputFormat("image/png") or map.setOutputFormat("png") ?
Sven Geggus a écrit :
> Hi there,
> looks like I got bitten by some mapscript bug, because I am unable to produce
> 24-bit png output via mapscript from my raster layers. I always get 8-bit
> rasters :(
> Despite the bug, I need a workaround for this as 8-bit rasters are
> insufficient for my purpose.
> Here is what my current testscript looks like:
> --cut--
> import mapscript
> def index(req):
> req = mapscript.OWSRequest()
> req.loadParams()
> map = mapscript.mapObj()
> map.name = "TestMap"
> map.shapepath = "/path/to/orthoimage/"
> map.setProjection("init=epsg:4326")
> map.setMetaData("wms_srs","epsg:4326")
> map.setExtent(-180.0,-90.0,180.0,90.0)
> outputFormat=mapscript.outputFormatObj("GD/PNG")
> outputFormat.name="png"
> outputFormat.setMimetype("image/png")
> outputFormat.imagemode=mapscript.MS_IMAGEMODE_RGBA
> outputFormat.transparent=1
> outputFormat.setExtension("png")
> map.setOutputFormat(outputFormat)
> layer = mapscript.layerObj(map)
> layer.name= "foobar"
> layer.type = mapscript.MS_LAYER_RASTER
> layer.status = mapscript.MS_DEFAULT
> layer.data = "my_otho_image.img"
> map.save("/tmp/buggy.map")
> map.OWSDispatch(req)
> --cut--
> Do you know a suitable workaround for this Problem?
> I consider this as a bug, because I am able to produce perfect 24-bit png
> data when using the genearted mapfile from cgi-mapserv.
> Regards
> Sven
> P.S.: I already reported this, but did not get a responce
> https://trac.osgeo.org/mapserver/ticket/2587
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