[mapserver-users] ROSA applet with PHP Mapscript

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Thu May 8 07:23:44 PDT 2008

Carlo Pelliconi wrote:
> Hi all.
> I'm trying to use ROSA applet with PHPMapscript (I had jbox with cgi 
> mapserver, and I'd like to have similar functions).
> Looking for documentation (both in web and in downloaded .tar), I've 
> found only few pages.
> Does anyone know any link with deeper documentation or usage examples?
> But it is not necessary to use ROSA: is there something other, which 
> can  be used for the same tasks?

FYI the mapserv CGI also has support for ROSA applet parameters, see at 
the bottom of this page:

Unfortunately that documentation doesn't include usage examples so you'd 
have to figure the way to setup your mapserv CGI template yourself.

With respect to ROSA with PHP MapScript, there is the good old GMap demo 
app that uses both. Not the best example of good coding, but at least 
that's something to get started. You can download the GMap demo with all 
scripts and data at http://dl.maptools.org/dl/gmap-ms46.zip and you can 
see it online at http://www.mapsherpa.com/gmap/

Daniel Morissette

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