[mapserver-users] tiling (WMS-C)

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Thu May 8 13:31:44 PDT 2008


Tiling is a property of the client, not the server... the client
breaks the problem of filling the viewport up into files and sends the
tile requests, usually in parallel, to the server.  What user
interface are you building with?


On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 12:48 PM, csmith <csmith at insequenceinc.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to take advantage of the expediency of visual feedback afforded
> by presenting my raster image as a mosaic of tiles, rather than the user
> waiting for, for example, a single .png in my viewport- typical,
> now-ubiquitous tiling behavior.
> I am able to initiate a WMS query with service type WMS-C (i.e.
> SERVICE=WMS_C) successfully to another service, but am unsuccessful when
> querying through my MapServer instance.  Is it possible that MapServer
> doesn't support WMS-C?  Hopefully, it is just my ignorance.  I confess that
> I merely changed my existing URL-encoded string, replacing WMS with WMS-C
> (pretty optimistic, huh!).  I believe my shapefile refererenced by the
> mapfile is properly comprised of appropriate tile images.  Can you
> straighten me out, please?
> Thanks,
> Chris
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