[mapserver-users] To WFS, WMS or to WCS
Bart van den Eijnden (OSGIS)
bartvde at osgis.nl
Tue May 13 01:27:55 PDT 2008
Hi Sarel,
I can probably explain it in a few sentences.
WMS is a web mapping service, so it is meant to render an image of data,
be it vector or raster data. It only gives you back an image
representation of your data.
WFS is a web feature service, it is meant to deliver the features (in
vector format) to the client, so the "raw" data. The vector format is
mostly GML (Geography Markup Language).
WCS is a web coverage service, it is the raster version of WFS, so to
deliver raster coverages in a "raw" format to the client.
If you only need images and a query on a point click, stick with WMS. If
you need your users to actually download data, you will need WFS + WCS.
There is also a thing called SLD WMS (Styled Layer Descriptor), where
the WMS client can change the symbology of the map, and get an image
back in different colors/patterns etc. than the default one advertized
by the service.
Hope this helps. If you have further specific questions, don't hesitate
to ask.
Best regards,
Sarel Coetzer wrote:
> Hi
> Is there anywhere a brief explanation of the deferent types of map
> services such as WFS, WMS and WCS.
> What each service does differently then the other and how to identify
> which one would be the correct service to use for a specific application.
> I have read the various how to's on the wiki but I am trying to find a
> one page comparison of capabilities/advantages or disadvantages of
> these various services.
> Regards
> Sarel
> Regards
> Sarel
> --
> "http://sarelgis.blogspot.com/"
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Bart van den Eijnden
OSGIS, Open Source GIS
bartvde at osgis.nl
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