[mapserver-users] MapServer vs MS4W FIles To Upload

Kyle Wilcox Kyle.Wilcox at noaa.gov
Tue May 13 18:57:07 PDT 2008

MS4W is an acronym for 'MapServer for Windows', not a solution for a 
Unix based web host.

You can try the FGS installer (http://www.maptools.org/fgs/), but being 
successful relies on how your hosting company has the server set up. 
Try it and see what happens.  It never hurts to call up your hosting 
company and talk about your requirements.  Hosts are a dime a dozen; 
they often will make a small change for you to keep you happy and keep 
your business. Anyone have successful experience with certain hosting 
companies?  Hostgis provides an excellent hosting service 

You can also install Mapserver and its dependencies from source on a 
commercial web hosting server.  Judging from your post I would 
thoroughly try out the first option.

Paul Yelk wrote:
> I am currently playing around with MS4W on my home computer (installed 
> MS4W latest version plus the Itasca demo).
> I need to upload that demo to a web host so I can point others to it so 
> they can see how it works.
> The host is running *Apache version1.3.39 (Unix).*
> My specific question is what do I upload to that server?
> And how do I set it up?
> Since this if my first adventure into Apache, etc. I am a bit confused 
> on the differences between MS4W as installed and what to upload on a 
> Apache/Unix machine.
> Thanks,
> Paul
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