[mapserver-users] MapServer vs MS4W FIles To Upload

Milo van der Linden mlinden at zeelandnet.nl
Wed May 14 17:53:37 PDT 2008

Hello Paul,

Paul Yelk wrote:
> Kyle Wilcox wrote:
>> MS4W is an acronym for 'MapServer for Windows', not a solution for a 
>> Unix based web host.
> Sorry, I guess I did not clearly state my question(s)!
> I knew MS4W stood for the installation of MapServer on a Windows computer.
> What I should have asked was once I had a set up under MS4W, which of 
> the files would/can I upload to an Apache web host? Or will I have to 
> completely do a separate set of files for each OS?
> I am hoping that the map files and other files I create on my home 
> computer using MS4W will be able to uploaded to the web host running 
> Apache.
- mapfiles, font- and symbol files and the data files (shp, dbf, tab, 
dat and so on) are the files you are talking about. You can indeed 
upload them to "A webserver capable of running mapserver", change the 
paths in the mapfile and you should be ok.

I would strongly suggesty you to put pressure on the board of directors 
and tell them map hosting is NOT the same as web hosting, it requires 
specifically prepped server(s). Make sure they are willing to create 
some budget before you start making promisses and sign up with the guys 
at hostgis.com (I know from experience they are willing to set up a test 
period and their support is excellent) 

It will save you frustration, tears and sweat and a lot of precious time 
and you might even be able to live up to the expectations of the people 
who asked you to put a map online without realizing that GIS and 
Cartography is a specialism people go to university for...

Kind regards and good luck!

Milo van der Linden

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