[mapserver-users] Setting up a MAP file to use data on a network share [newbie I guess! :-) ]

Greg Cocks gcocks at stoller.com
Fri May 16 14:57:31 PDT 2008

Hello List,

I am trying to set up a MAP file to use a network share for the files that for various reasons I can’t get into PostgreSQL, etc… i.e., so that we only have one copy of the data being used internally and on the web, etc

I proceeded as follows

 - Using IIS on a Windoze box (yeah, yeah, grin) set up a virtual directory to a network share using a UNC path \\server\directory that I use all the time with ArcGIS, etc – called it wms_data

 - Added my credentials in the ‘Connect As’ in IIS

 - Used the explore in the IIS MMC and confirmed I could browse the data there

 - Confirmed that the directories had the relevant web access permissions

 - Charged the relevant line in my MAP file to → SHAPEPATH "/wms_data/"

 - Changed the layer’s data pointer to → DATA "subdirectory/sameshapefilename"

* When I now load the page it says it can’t find the layer’s data!  Ugh! *

Note that if I use a local (i.e., C:\...\...\) path for the data and in the MAP file it works just fine… Also, want to look at MrSIDs the same way, which again works just fine using a C:\ path…

Note that I know enough about IIS to be dangerous!   ☺

Thanks in advance for your help

GIS Analyst V
gcocks at stoller.com
S. M. Stoller Corp
105 Technology Drive, Suite 190
Broomfield, CO 80021
303-443-1408 fax
303-546-4422 direct
303-828-7576 cell

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