[mapserver-users] C# functon resultCacheMemberObj shapeindex ... Posible bug?

Paul james pauljame at gmail.com
Mon May 19 13:58:27 PDT 2008

Hello guys...
I have a table with a character(11) PK...
When I trie to get the shapes with queryByRect, all results are with
shapeindex equal 0 (zero) ...
If I tried that with a table with a integer PK, everthing works perfect..
My code:

layerObj _layer = mapObj.getLayerByName(__layer);
if (_layer.queryByRect(mapObj, _oGeo) == 0)
   for (int i = 0; i < _layer.getNumResults(); i++)
    resultCacheMemberObj _result = _layer.getResult(i);
     //_result.shapeindex == 0
    shapeObj _obj = new shapeObj(-1); //dummy
   _layer.getShape(_obj, -1, _result.shapeindex);

Any solutions?

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