[mapserver-users] Mapserver and OpenDAP

Arjen de Korte arjendk at gmx.net
Mon May 19 14:33:45 PDT 2008

Chris, Frank,

Thank you for your answers.

Chris, I'd be very interested to hear about your experiences on building 
Mapserver on Windows, especially concerning the OpenDAP driver and the 
makefile Frank mentioned. I guess the "build kit" is the best way to start?

Your issue about messed up coordinates worries me a bit. :-) I'm not that far 

Frank, I'm not (yet) considering moving to Linux at the moment.

Another option might be to use WCS instead of OpenDAP since the OpenDAP server 
we're using (THREDDS) supports it. Does that sound like a better option? 
(However, I'm not sure if this is possible, since it would essentially mean 
moving to a different protocol that other partners in the project would also 
have to support.)


Op Monday 19 May 2008, schreef Christopher Condit:
> Hi Arjen,
> > What would be the best way of getting this to work? Would this mean I
> > have to recompile Mapserver? Or is it possible to just recompile the
> > GDAL driver?
> >
> > Any tips on recompiling on Windows (if necessary) or on using OpenDAP
> > with Mapserver would be very welcome, since I have no experience with
> > it.
> A year or so ago I did exactly this - building OPeNDAP support into gdal
> on Win32. So it's very possible if you feel comfortable building from
> source on Windows. That was on an older server machine and I don't think
> it ever got integrated into the trunk. I'll look around for it and let
> you know. The real problem, though, is that many OPeNDAP datasets I've
> encountered are either inverted or span 0-360 instead of -180 to 180, so
> I ended up having to write scripts to preprocess them anyway...
> -Chris

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