[mapserver-users] setConfigOption is not working

Murty Maganti MMaganti at oriongis.com
Wed May 21 09:14:50 PDT 2008

I am trying to set a CONFIG option (using C# mapscript ) but it doesn't
seems to work.


In the map file (under layer block), I have set 'PLUGIN' parameter to
the name of the DLL (without fully qualified path). I want to set the
path prefix (MS_PLUGIN_DIR)  at run time.


Here is the C# code I am using,


mapObj map = new mapObj("C:\\mymap.map");

map.setConfigOption("MS_PLUGIN_DIR", "C:\\my_plugins");



imageObj image=map.draw();



It is not loading the plug-in DLL. If I set this CONFIG parameter
directly in the map file, it works fine. Also, when I debug and check
the value of 'plugin_library' on layerObj, it does not contain the
prefix of plug-in directory.


Did anyone had the same issue? Am I missing any steps here. 

Appreciate any help.





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