[mapserver-users] PHP: Segmentation fault when draw() orsaveWebImage()

Burgholzer,Robert rwburgholzer at deq.virginia.gov
Tue May 27 05:50:47 PDT 2008

Sounds like you might have some other problem in your mapfile.  Perhaps some syntax was allowable in the previous version of mapserver that is no longer OK.  Might want to check the changelog of your new version, and go from there.  Also, since the legend works, you might want to sequentially comment out your layers to determine if you have a specific layer with a problem.

Robert W. Burgholzer
Surface Water Modeler
Office of Water Supply and Planning
Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
rwburgholzer at deq.virginia.gov
Open Source Modeling Tools:

-----Original Message-----
From: mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Pavel Dobeš
Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2008 3:41 PM
To: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapserver-users] PHP: Segmentation fault when draw() orsaveWebImage()

Hi to all,

I run mapserver on my gentoo server now with php-5.2.6_rc4.

After upgrade the apache is falling down with message:

[Sat May 24 21:13:02 2008] [notice] child pid 2476 exit signal  
Segmentation fault (11)

With mapserver 5.0.0-r1 the last line is

$url = $image->saveWebImage();

When I upgrade to 5.0.2 the last lins was

$image is from $image=$map->prepareImage(); in both cases...

Any hint, whitch mix of versions (PHP & mapserver) is OK or how to  
pretend this segfault?

PS: this simple script works
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");

$map = ms_newMapObj("file.map");
$img = $map->drawScaleBar();

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