[mapserver-users] Map seems like it is shifted to the north by a few meters

Ben Kuek ben.kuek at abridge.com.au
Tue May 27 20:44:09 PDT 2008


My understanding of map projections is a bit rusty so I hope anyone can 
point out where I am wrong.

I have a vector map source in shapefiles where it's .prj file has only 
the following definition

GEOGCS["Geographic Coordinate System",DATUM["WGS84",SPHEROID["GRS 

When the map loaded, I can confirm that the map is wrong by it's 
shifting to the north by a few hundred meters.

I can use :
  OFFSET 0 70
in the STYLE object but it doesn't seem like the right thing to do.

I am not very sure if the issue lies with projection or the map source 
and if there's a specific projection setting I must use.



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