[mapserver-users] Creating legend
Subha Ramakrishnan
subha at gslab.com
Tue Oct 7 07:58:42 PDT 2008
Hi Steve,
It would be great if you can give me an example or tell me where it is
usually set in OL.
Thanks for your help.
Steve Lime wrote:
> There's nothing you have to do on the MapServer side. Looks like your OL config is wrong
> though. I think 'singleTile' is set in the wrong configuration object, perhaps others are in
> the wrong place too.
> Steve
>>>> Subha Ramakrishnan <subha at gslab.com> 10/07/08 1:30 AM >>>
> Hi,
> I am using mapserver 5.0.2 with openlayers.
> I've a problem while creating a legend for a map from mapserver.When i
> try to overlay the image from the mapserver on openlayers' base map, the
> images are rendered in tiles, and every tile has a legend and is limited
> by the size of the tile. So, i see lots of legends on the map and only
> half of them are visible as it is restricted by the tile size.
> This is my request to mapserver from openlayers
> var mapfile = layer_tablename+'.map';
> twms1 = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS(
> layer_tablename,"http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv?",
> { map: mapfile,
> transparent: 'true', layers:layer_tablename,
> format: 'image/png',
> projection:"EPSG:4326",reproject:false,
> units: "m",
> singleTile: true
> },{numZoomLevels : MaxZoomLevel});
> map.addLayer(twms1);
> I am using the option of singleTile. Is there any setting to be done in
> the map file or mapserver for it render a single tile/single legend per
> image?
> Thank you.
> Regards,
> Subha
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