[mapserver-users] why 5.0.3 on latest linux distro's

Christy Nieman cnieman at dmsolutions.ca
Fri Oct 10 07:27:56 PDT 2008

There is the FGS installer package (http://maptools.org/fgs/) for 
Linux.  But it's still using version 5.0.2, as far as I know.


Willy-Bas Loos wrote:
> exactly.
> i built my own 5.2.0 too. But i'm not a system admin really and it's a 
> bit of a hassle. If i were planning to compile my software myself i 
> would use a different distro (Gentoo?).
> I've been posting some stuff on the ubuntu forums too, but i don't get 
> too much response there.
> I guess that 5.2.0 doesn't get into lenny (and so ubuntu 8.10) because 
> it hasn't been tested for long enough. It is still in the 
> "experimental" repository (thanks nico mandery for pointing this out 
> to me), so not even in "unstable" yet.
> And that will probably mean that we won't see any higher than 5.0.x in 
> lenny - the stable debian versions for the next ±4 years. I know it's 
> a choice for stability and security -- all about priorities, so 
> nothing to make a fuss about -- but it's unconfortable nonetheless.
> So lets try a different angle: if OSGeo are providing a package 
> manager for windows (osgeo4w), why not provide a repository for Debian 
> / Ubuntu and another one for RedHat / Fedora ?
> Easy for me to say of course, but doesn't it seem unfair that Windows 
> should be favoured above open source OS's ?
> (then, maybe i got it all wrong, so please correct me)
> cheers,
>     In my experiences with Fedora, they tend to keep the same version
>     of MapServer that the OS version was released with (so Fedora 9
>     has 5.0.2, or something like that, by default).  As I want to use
>     the latest version, I build it for myself.  I bet that
>     distributions tend to stay with what they had when first released
>     for map compatibility reasons.  It would be something to discuss
>     with your distributions package maintainers.
> -- 
> "Patriotism is the conviction that your country is superior to all 
> others because you were born in it." - George Bernard Shaw
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