[MAPSERVER-USERS] mssql2008 binary test package available to download
Tamas Szekeres
szekerest at gmail.com
Sat Oct 18 14:12:36 PDT 2008
Yes, I've run into the same issue when using the getFeature method
with the driver. Here is the corresponding ticket I've created:
Attached the C# test case with this ticket:
I've fixed this issue in the SVN-trunk and the stable branch, here is
my daily snapsot of the binaries you can test with:
If you encounter further problems with the driver don't hesitate to
file a ticket describing the issue.
Just for a note: This driver doesn't make any character encodings with
the values retieved as plain byte arrays from MSSQL, however your
default database setting corresponds to the
1251 codepage, so explicit character conversion may be required in C#, like:
byte[] bytes = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.Unicode, Encoding.Default,
string str = Encoding.GetEncoding(1251).GetString(bytes);
Best regards,
2008/10/17 BrainDrain <paulborodaev at gmail.com>:
> hmm
>>>could you provide an example to this
> how can I help If I use mapscript?
> [WebService(Namespace = "http://www.wem.volgadmin.ru/wemlib")]
> [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.None)]
> [ScriptService]
> public class MapParser : System.Web.Services.WebService
> {
> [WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
> [ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = true)]
> public object RequestFeatureAttributes(object mapIndex, object
> layerIndex, int[] featureIndexes, string[] fieldNames, bool envelope)
> {
> mapObj map;
> layerObj layer = null;
> shapeObj shape;
> int entryIndex = -1, i, j, len = featureIndexes.Length;
> object[] res = new object[len];
> Dictionary<string, object> valueBag, record;
> if (Util.isNumeric(mapIndex.ToString(), NumberStyles.Integer))
> {
> mapIndex = (object)Convert.ToInt32(mapIndex);
> }
> if (Util.isNumeric(layerIndex.ToString(), NumberStyles.Integer))
> {
> layerIndex = (object)Convert.ToInt32(layerIndex);
> }
> KeyValuePair<string, object> entry =
> Util.getEntry((Dictionary<string, object>)Session["maps"],
> (mapIndex.GetType() == typeof(int)) ? mapIndex :
> Util.normalizePath((string)mapIndex), out entryIndex);
> map = (mapObj)entry.Value;//.clone()
> if (layerIndex.GetType() == typeof(int))
> {
> layer = map.getLayer((int)layerIndex);
> }
> else
> {
> if (layerIndex.GetType() == typeof(string))
> {
> layer = map.getLayerByName((string)layerIndex);
> }
> }
> layer.open();
> object def;
> List<int> fieldIndexes = new List<int>();
> List<string> list = new List<string>();
> if (fieldNames != null)
> {
> for (i = 0; i < layer.numitems; i++)
> {
> if
> (((ICollection<string>)fieldNames).Contains(layer.getItem(i)))
> {
> fieldIndexes.Add(i);
> }
> }
> }
> for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
> {
> try
> {
> using (shape = layer.getFeature(featureIndexes[i], -1))
> //here exception occurs
> {
> string[] values;
> if (fieldNames != null)
> {
> if (fieldNames.Length > 0)
> {
> list.Clear();
> for (j = 0; j < fieldIndexes.Count; j++)
> {
> list.Add(shape.values[fieldIndexes[j]]);
> }
> values = list.ToArray();
> }
> else
> {
> values = new string[1] {
> featureIndexes[i].ToString() };
> }
> }
> else
> {
> values = shape.values;
> }
> valueBag = new Dictionary<string, object>();
> for (j = 0; j < values.Length; j++)
> {
> valueBag[j.ToString()] = values[j];
> }
> if (envelope)
> {
> record = new Dictionary<string, object>();
> if (len > 1)
> {
> record[featureIndexes[i].ToString()] =
> (object)valueBag;//?
> }
> else
> {
> record[entryIndex.ToString() + ' ' +
> layer.index.ToString() + ' ' + featureIndexes[i].ToString()] =
> (object)valueBag;//?
> }
> res[i] = record;
> }
> else
> {
> res[i] = valueBag;
> }
> }
> }
> catch { }
> }
> layer.close();
> return (len > 1) ? ((envelope) ? new Dictionary<string,
> object>() { { entryIndex.ToString() + ' ' + layer.index.ToString(), res } }
> : (object)res) : res[0];
> }
> }
> Again access violation exception after modifying mapfile.
> Sql profiler says that query batch (select convert(varchar(max),
> STATUS),convert(varchar(max), STAGE),convert(varchar(max), id),GEOM from
> dbo.Construct where id = 190748) completed successfully
> Tamas Szekeres wrote:
>> 2008/10/16 BrainDrain <paulborodaev at gmail.com>:
>>> -without "WITH(INDEX..." in mapfile data section - mem corruption
>>> exception
>>> on "shape = layer.getFeature(featureIndexe, -1)" after successful
>>> execution
>>> of queryByPoint (querying the largest polygon in my geodb);
>> I didn't encounter any memory corruption error here, could you provide
>> an example to this?
>> I've set up your database with IIS and apache with the following links:
>> http://vbkto.dyndns.org:1280/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?mode=map&map=test2008.map
>> http://vbkto.dyndns.org:1080/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?mode=map&map=test2008.map
>>> -with using "WITH(INDEX...":
>>> msMSSQL2008LayerGetShape(): Query error. Error executing MSSQL2008 SQL
>>> statement: select convert(varchar(max), STATUS),convert(varchar(max),
>>> STAGE),convert(varchar(max), id),GEOM from dbo.Construct
>>> WITH(INDEX(SIndx_Construct_geometry_geom)) where id = 190748
>>> -[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Query processor could not
>>> produce a query plan because of the hints defined in this query. Resubmit
>>> the query without specifying any hints and without using SET FORCEPLAN.
>>> When I'm trying to execute this select statement in man. studio - error
>>> message - the same.
>>> I think because where clause don't contains conditions related to spatial
>>> index used in 'WITH' hint.
>> You're right, just looking into the code here is a possible solution:
>> SIndx_Construct_geometry_geom"
>> Best regards,
>> Tamas
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> --
> View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/mssql2008-binary-test-package-available-to-download-tp19956347p20027820.html
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