[mapserver-users] NEED HELP

ntiamoah bernard ntiamoah578 at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 19 00:32:36 PDT 2008

Hi guys,
I have some problems here:
1. How can i change the coordinate system form the default geomoose  UTM-15 to StatePlane_Indiana_East_FIPS_301_Feet?
2. When layers delay for more than 15 seconds to display, some timeout popup saying" These layers have delayed, do you want to remove them". How can i disable this popup?
3. How can i put street labels  ABOVE the streets,NOT ON TOP of the streets. I tried OFFSET but it didn't work.
4. I set the temp path to /ms4w/tmp/ms_tmp but i don't see any image there when i open it.   Does this mean the images are being kept somewhere else? where?
5. Does geomoose has limit to the number of maps that should be added? The reason is that the application stops loading when i add more maps to it. 
These are my problems. Any ideas or suggestions are welcome
Thank you

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