[mapserver-users] result cache question

Josh Hevenor Josh.Hevenor at dpra.com
Thu Oct 23 07:10:17 PDT 2008

Dear List, 
I'm updating a spatial querying tool that follows a process something like:
1. Select set of shapes from layer A with n  results: A[1-n]
2. Find shapes from layer B that within buffer distance D of selected shapes from A[1-n]
In the existing code we get a result set of A[1-n], loop through the shapes and run the buffer query on B.  Our result is then something like sum(BUFFER(Ai, B)) for i= 1..n. 
The same tool also supports other spatial queries...CONTAINS, INTERSECTS, etc...all with the same general process flow. The tool is PHP mapscript. 
1. Is there a better approach?
2. Can I get a Min Bounding Rectangle of A[1-n] to pre-filter B?  Would that help?
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