[mapserver-users] qstring validation question

John B. Churchill jchurchill at al.umces.edu
Tue Sep 16 13:56:01 PDT 2008

Steve Lime wrote:
> JohN: It's given as a regex in the layer metadata:
>   'qstring_validation_pattern'    '^[0-9]{1,2}$'
> This one limits the qstring to a 1 or 2 digit integer.
> Steve

Thanks Steve ... I actually got this working by looking through old 
archived [mapserver-users] e-mails.  I found one where someone showed an 
example of this with layer metadata in the MAP file like this ...

    qstring_validation_pattern '.'

Which got everything working for me.  If I don't hear anything else 
about this, I'll assume what I did is Ok.  If that is poor form or will 
cause problems down the line I'll do it as you've specified above with a 
more complicated regex (if theres any reason to do so).  I assume this 
was done for security ?  The pattern matched (in my application) can be 
pretty variable.



>>>> On 9/16/2008 at 10:05 AM, in message <48CFCB43.10203 at al.umces.edu>, "John B.
> Churchill" <jchurchill at al.umces.edu> wrote:
>> We recently upgraded to a newer version of Mapserver.  I'm guessing the 
>> problem with my old scripts are due to the upgrade (seems likely).
>> I'm getting this error:
>> mapserv(): Web application error. Metadata qstring_validation_pattern is
>> not set.
>> My qstring is set by my javascript.  What should the 
>> qstring_validation_pattern look like ?  Can someone direct me to an 
>> example that shows this ?  I tried to browse the online documentation 
>> but it appears to be down.
>> J.B.

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