AW: AW: [mapserver-users] Oracle Spatial + MS 5.2.0: No drawing ofcertain objects
Schönhammer, Herbert
Schoenhammer.Herbert at
Mon Sep 22 23:40:17 PDT 2008
Hello Paul, hello list,
now the circumference of those polygons is rendered correct. But (unfortenately) only parts of the area are filled with the polygon-color.
Imagine, that all points of the oracle-geometry-object are connected by straight-lines (instead of arcs). The inner area of this outline is not rendered in the polygon-color.
The segment archs between this outline and the arcs of the circumference are filled with the correct color.
If there is a straight line in the circumference, the area is filled correct !
(See the little gif-examples of the appendix, if it is allowed to upload appendixes to the list !)
There is no difference using driver gd or agg !
greetings Herbert
>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>Von: Paul Ramsey [mailto:pramsey at]
>Gesendet: Montag, 22. September 2008 18:17
>An: Steve Lime
>Cc: mapserver-users at; Schönhammer, Herbert
>Betreff: Re: AW: [mapserver-users] Oracle Spatial + MS 5.2.0:
>No drawing ofcertain objects
>Should work, methinks.
> break;
>+ case 32: /* simple polygon with only arcs
>for bounds */
>+ osArcPolygon(hand, shape, obj, ord_start,
>ord_end, points, data3d);
>+ shape->type = MS_SHAPE_POLYGON;
>+ break;
> case 33: /* rectangle defined by 2 points */
>On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 6:55 AM, Steve Lime
><Steve.Lime at> wrote:
>> The shape->type value needs to be set to MS_SHAPE_POLYGON I believe.
>> I've not looked at where
>> Paul's patch sits in the source though so I don't know where
>that needs
>> to happen. Perhaps as the
>> second line in each of the cases of the patch?
>> e.g. shape->type = MS_SHAPE_POLYGON;
>> Steve
>>>>> Schönhammer, Herbert <Schoenhammer.Herbert at> 09/22/08
>> 2:43 AM >>>
>> Hallo Paul,
>> using this patch, mapserver is not ignoring those polygons anymore
>> (polygons, which exists ONLY of a connected sequence of circular arcs
>> that closes on itself).
>> But instead of rendering those polygons, I get know an error message:
>> msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named
>> 'stgk_gebaeude_orcl'.
>> msDrawShape(): General error message. Only polygon shapes
>can be drawn
>> using a POLYGON layer definition.
>> The first step for rendering those polgons is done:
>Mapserver recognizes
>> the polygons !
>> Can I do anything else ?
>> Greetings
>> Herbert
>> "polygons, which exists ONLY of
>>>a connected sequence of circular arcs that closes on itself
>>>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>>Von: Paul Ramsey [mailto:pramsey at]
>>>Gesendet: Freitag, 19. September 2008 16:40
>>>An: Schönhammer, Herbert
>>>Cc: Mapserver-users (mapserver-users at
>>>Betreff: Re: [mapserver-users] Oracle Spatial + MS 5.2.0: No
>>>drawing of certain objects
>>>Try the following completely untested patch:
>>>Index: maporaclespatial.c
>>>--- maporaclespatial.c (revision 7827)
>>>+++ maporaclespatial.c (working copy)
>>>@@ -1476,6 +1476,9 @@
>>> case 31: /* simple polygon with n points, last
>>>point equals the first one */
>>> osClosedPolygon(hand, shape, obj, ord_start,
>>>ord_end, points, elem_type, data3d);
>>> break;
>>>+ case 32: /* simple polygon with only arcs
>>>for bounds */
>>>+ osArcPolygon(hand, shape, obj, ord_start,
>>>ord_end, points, data3d);
>>>+ break;
>>> case 33: /* rectangle defined by 2 points */
>>> osRectangle(hand, shape, obj, ord_start,
>>>ord_end, points, point5, data3d);
>>> break;
>>>On Fri, Sep 19, 2008 at 3:20 AM, Schönhammer, Herbert
>>><Schoenhammer.Herbert at> wrote:
>>>> Hallo Paul,
>>>> 1.) Yes, there is no difference in behavior between the old
>>>and new mapserver versions.
>>>> 2.) Yes and No. In detail:
>>>> 2a) If there is at most ONE straight line in the polygon,
>>>mapserver renders this polygon correct, even if there is a
>>>curved segement (arc) in the polygon. For example this is a
>>>church, which contains three arcs in the polygon (triple
>>>11,2,2 and 31,2,2 and 51,2,2). This polygon is rendered correct.
>>>> 2b) Mapserver does not render polygons, which exis>> Greetings
>>>> Herbert
>>>>>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>>>>Von: Paul Ramsey [mailto:pramsey at]
>>>>>Gesendet: Donnerstag, 18. September 2008 16:35
>>>>>An: Schönhammer, Herbert
>>>>>Betreff: Re: [mapserver-users] Oracle Spatial + MS 5.2.0: No
>>>>>drawing of certain objects
>>>>>So, to confirm, there is now no difference in behavior between your
>>>>>old and new mapserver installations?
>>>>>However, the old and new installations share an inability to render
>>>>>polygons that include curved boundaries?
>>>>>On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 3:14 AM, Schönhammer, Herbert
>>>>><Schoenhammer.Herbert at> wrote:
>>>>>> Hallo Paul,
>>>>>> (I needed some time because new hardware, ...)
>>>>>> Okay: First of all:
>>>>>> The reported NEW DIFFICULTIES are not reproducable any more.
>>>>>I really don't know what happened. But LINESTRINGS made up of
>>>>>a connected sequence of circular arcs ARE DRAWN by mapserver.
>>>>>> The old problem still exists.
>>>>>> =============================
>>>>>> POLYGONS made up of a connected sequence of circular arcs
>>>>>ARE NOT DRAWN by mapserver. No error message.
>>>>>> I have made a config error in my mapfile. So I could get an
>>>>>error message from mapserver. In this error message the
>>>>>SQL-statement sent to the oracle database is:
>>>>>MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, 82032,
>>>>>),'querytype=window') = 'TRUE'
>>>>>> When i submit this SQL direct to the databse I get 4
>>>geometries back.
>>>>>> Two POLYGONS made up of straight line segements.
>>>>>> Two POLYGONS made up of a connected sequence of circular arcs.
>>>>>> The polygons with straight line segments are drawn, the
>>>>>polygons made up of a connected sequence of circular arcs are
>>>>>not drawn.
>>>>>> I have exported these objects from my database:
>>>>>> The drawn polygons are:
>>>>>> The polygons which are not drawn are:
>>>>>> All polygons are GTYPE=2003 in SRID=82032. All POLYGONS are
>>>>>> The POLYGONS with SDO_INTERPRETATION = 1 are drawn.
>>>>>> The POLYGONS with SDO_INTERPRETATION = 2 are not drawn.
>>>>>> greetings
>>>>>> Herbert
>>>>>>>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>>>>>>>Von: Paul Ramsey [mailto:pramsey at]
>>>>>>>Gesendet: Donnerstag, 11. September 2008 19:07
>>>>>>>An: Schönhammer, Herbert
>>>>>>>Cc: Mapserver-users (ma>>>>>Betreff: Re:
>[mapserver-users] Oracle Spatial + MS 5.2.0: No
>>>>>>>drawing of certain objects
>>>>>>>Could you do a bit more legwork and see if the problem
>>>appears at the
>>>>>>>transition to 5.0 or the transition to 5.2? From there we
>>>>>can probably
>>>>>>>find the code change that caused it.
>>>>>>>On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 7:03 AM, Schönhammer, Herbert
>>>>>>><Schoenhammer.Herbert at> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi list,
>>>>>>>> ( I had a similar discussion using Mapserver 4.10.x and
>>>>>>>Oracle Spatial 9i in
>>>>>>>> May 2007. But the problems changed using Mapserver 5.2.0 .).
>>>>>>>> The new environmet:
>>>>>>>> ===============
>>>>>>>> Server SLES10
>>>>>>>> Mapserver 5.2.0
>>>>>>>> Oracle OCI - Interface used with Oracle 11-Client-Software
>>>>>>>> DB-Server Windows 2xxx
>>>>>>>> Oracle Spatial 10g
>>>>>>>> The new problem :
>>>>>>>> ==============
>>>>>>>> Line strings made up of a connected sequence of circular
>>>>>>>arcs ARE NOT DRAWN.
>>>>>>>> No error message is generated by mapserver, but the objects
>>>>>>>are not shown in
>>>>>>>> the map.
>>>>>>>> Example:
>>>>>>>> (Background:
>>>>>>>> In my mailing from May 2007 I reported that these
>>>Objects are drawn
>>>>>>>> correctly by mapserver. This statement is indeed
>>>>>>>reproducable correct using
>>>>>>>> mapserver 4.10.x. This is independent from the used oracle
>>>>>>>version ( 9i or
>>>>>>>> 10g ).
>>>>>>>> Now, using mapserver 5.2.0 these objects are not drawn
>>>>>>>anymore. No error
>>>>>>>> message is produced. This is also independent from the used
>>>>>>>oracle version (
>>>>>>>> 9i or 10g ). )
>>>>>>>> The old problem:
>>>>>>>> ============
>>>>>>>> Polygons made up of a connected sequence of circular arcs
>>>>>>>ARE NOT DRAWN. No
>>>>>>>> error message is generated by mapserver, but the objects are
>>>>>>>not shown in
>>>>>>>> the map.
>>>>>>>> (This problem was already reported in May 2007. The
>>>>>>>behaviour did not change
>>>>>>>> from mapserver 4.10.x to 5.2.0)
>>>>>>>> Example:
>>>>>>>> Oracle Documentation:
>>>>>>>> =================
>>>>>>>> Reading the Oracle Docs, I think all the objects are correct
>>>>>>>defined. The
>>>>>>>> geometries are validating by oracle 9i and oracle 10g (Using
>>>>>>>the st_valid -
>>>>>>>> method, e.g. SELECT a.GEOM.ST_IsValid()
>>>>>>>> FROM ax_bes_geblinie a WHERE a.fid = 14196363;).
>>>>>>>> Does anybody know a solution how to draw these objects with
>>>>>>>mapserver ?
>>>>>>>> greetings
>>>>>>>> Herbert
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