[mapserver-users] KML for WMS Service

Bob Basques Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Tue Sep 23 05:48:44 PDT 2008


I don't think I'm answering your question directly, but I've learned a few things about how Google earth imports WMS data directly, and that in turn showed me how to export the layers from Google Earth into KML.  So now I can write the appropriate KML output.

GE will import WMS services directly, but it's user interface leave a bit to be desired on the operational side.  I've been toying around with the same ideas though, where MapServer provides the result as a KML for GE use.

So, my next step would be to make use of a MapServer template to generate the KML code (using the WMS export from GE as a starting point).  But this is where I stopped in the steps, got other more pressing stuff at the moment.


>>> "David Martinez Morata" <damarmo at gmail.com> 09/23/08 4:00 AM >>>
Hi list.
I just a little question.

How I can create a KML file to show my WMS server in Google Earth?


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