[mapserver-users] Google Map layer in mapserver

Jason Webb jason.webb at agcl.co.nz
Tue Sep 23 21:00:10 PDT 2008


A first post on this list I have been monitoring it for a long time.

I have a question I could not find an answer to after searching all
mapserver info I could find.

We are using mapserver and a modified (by us) front end jBox.

We add a lot of data (points) over the top of the map in the live jbox
applet and the maps are not incredibly important for us they are just a
reference. In fact it's a little bit of a pain to set up when you have
somewhat of 3000 layers (SHP and S57) and raster you want to use in

It would be a lot easier if we could just include the google online maps I
the background. We have done this for separate applications (with the google
key) but I was wondering if someone has already done this in the mapserver
(.map) files with a single layer call that obtains a map from google.

Does anyone have some pointer to this? 

Many Thanks.

Best Regards

Jason Webb    
Skype: GlobalStation

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