[mapserver-users] SRTM via WMS - edge matching

Bob Basques Bob.Basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Sun Sep 28 07:26:36 PDT 2008

did you try grabbing an initially larger bbox and then clipping it back to the desired bboxN


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>>> "Glenn Waldron" <gwaldron at gmail.com> 09/28/08 08:58 AM >>>

Hopefully this question isn't too OT ... I want to deploy something similar
under Mapserver so I want to make sure I know how to do it.

I am trying to access SRTM elevation data via WMS, from the JPL site (
http://onearth.jpl.nasas.gov/wms.cgi?request=GetCapabilities, layer =
"srtmplus"). I'm asking for PNGs. The issue is that if I request adjacent
bbox's, the elevation values along the adjacent edge don't match up. My best
guess is that this happens because of resampling on the server side, but
that's just a guess.

Can anyone offer some insight into how to resolve this?


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