[mapserver-users] How to link Oracle attributes to SHAPEFILE

Pedro Briones García pbg at tragsa.es
Mon Apr 27 23:41:15 PDT 2009

I'm working with Oracle 10g and MapServer 5.2. My geographic layers are SHAPEFILES and the attributes of SHAPEFILES are stored in Oracle 10g (NOT Oracle Spatial or Locator)
I need to link (or join) SHAPEFILES with attribute (NOT spatial) tables to do 3 things:
-        Draw only elements of SHAPEFILE that are related with some records in Oracle. A record (polygon, for example) in the SHAPEFILE should only draw if is related with a record in Oracle (they both have a common column).
-        Make a thematic map wich classifications depending on the values of Oracle records.
-        Draw only elements of SHAPEFILE that meet an Oracle condition



I have found lots of examples of layers wich both, geometry and attribtes, in Oracle; or layers in Oracle Spatial, but none of how to link and use a SHAPEFILE with Oracle (not spatial).



I too would like to do the same of the aforementioned, but in this case with DBF files instead of Oracle tables. I have seen an example in the documentation, but I don't know distinguish SHAPEFILES and the DBF files in the sentence.


Please, could somebody send me an example to easily understand this?


Thanks in advance.


Pedro Briones García




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