[mapserver-users] Mapfile HDF 'DATA' element format

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Tue Apr 28 15:49:08 PDT 2009

Peter Willis wrote:
> Hello,
> Where can I find the specification for the
> 'DATA' entry in mapserver MAP files where
> HDF files are being used?
> I am mostly interested in using these in
> the context of WCS.
> Here is my current non-working example of an HDF
> file test in my current WCS map file:
>   DATA 'HDF4:/public/A20081932008200.L3m_8D_CHLO_9.hdf://l3m_data'


You need to use the gdalinfo command on the .hdf base file to get
a list of subdatasets within the file.  If the gdalinfo reports something

   SUBDATASET_16_DESC=[20x406x270] Retrieved_Moisture_Profile mod07 (16-bit 
   SUBDATASET_17_DESC=[20x406x270] Retrieved_Height_Profile mod07 (16-bit integer)

Then you might put the following in your .map file:


The key is to use _NAME portion of the subdatasets reported by gdalinfo.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
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