[mapserver-users] filter doesn't work (wfs)

Morten Sickel Morten.Sickel at nrpa.no
Wed Aug 12 09:11:41 EDT 2009

I have set up a mapserver wfs-server. Works fine, except that I cannot get Filter= to work. I tried urls like those at the bottom on http://mapserver.org/ogc/filter_encoding.html , but got all the data back in all cases. I tested it in a browser and to a working url, I appended 


Where status is one of the fields on the WFS coverage and some of the items has status=RUN. I also tried <PropertyIsEqualTo> but in both cases, I got the complete data set returned. By setting <PropertyName> to an invalid value, I managed to get an empty data set. From the documentation, it seems like I do it the right way, but something must be wrong. I hope someone can enlighten me.

Morten Sickel
Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority

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