[mapserver-users] How can I get my shapefiles on LAN, without databases?

Siki Zoltan siki at agt.bme.hu
Wed Aug 12 08:56:46 PDT 2009

Dear Mauricio,

I suppose you would map the shared folder of MYSECONDCOMPUTER on the 
mapserver machine.
1. On MYSECONDCOMPUTER make the folder of your shape files shared, e.g.
    Right click in explorer on the name of the folder and select Sharing.
    For more information on sharing folders see:

2. On mapserver machine in explorer select map network drive in the Tools
    menu and select the sharing on the other machine and assing a letter to
    to it, probably you should check reconnect.

3. Change the data line in your map file.

I suppose using shared files from another machine is a performance issue.


On Wed, 12 Aug 2009, Mauricio Herrera wrote:

> thanks for your help  Julien
> I will follow trying with this configuration... But anyway I will wait more
> suggestions..Maybe somebody have used this configuration
> Mauricio
> 2009/8/11 Julien-Samuel Lacroix <jlacroix at mapgears.com>
>> Hi,
>> This should be possible, but note that the shapefile must be readable by
>> the Apache user. I'm not sure how to check that on Windows, but others may
>> probably help.
>> Julien
>> Mauricio Herrera wrote:
>>> Hi mapserver users
>>> I hope you can help with my questions. please
>>> I have a LAN with two computers.  One computer is installed MapServer and
>>>  my second computer are my shapefiles
>>> How can I get  my  shapefiles from my second computer?
>>> I have tried to do this (example) , but I couldnĀ“t  get my shapefile...
>>> *Is it possible to do this?.. *Note: I dont wanna use database, only  files
>>> Example:
>>>  LAYER
>>>    NAME mybridge
>>>    DATA "*//MYSECONDCOMPUTER/maps/bridge*"
>>>    STATUS ON
>>>    TYPE LINE
>>>    CLASS
>>>           NAME bridges
>>>           STYLE
>>>              COLOR 0 167 197
>>>              OUTLINECOLOR 218 218 218
>>>           END
>>>    END
>>> END
>>> Thanks
>>> Mauricio
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>> --
>> Julien-Samuel Lacroix
>> Mapgears
>> http://www.mapgears.com/

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