[mapserver-users] Dynamic map legends

Ethan Gruber ewg4xuva at gmail.com
Thu Aug 20 07:25:21 PDT 2009

I've run into a glitch with the migration project I am working on.  The map
has a legend that is generated dynamically from population data.  The .map
file contains a layer that defines the key for the legend.  Here's an

        NAME "xx"
        EXPRESSION "xx"
        COLOR 100 200 100
        OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0

There are url parameters defined in a perl script that contain the string
for the NAME and EXPRESSION.  Those parameters no longer work, like the
dynamic shapepath I asked about a few days ago.  I thought that perhaps I
could pass the parameters in a similar manner:

        NAME '%map_theme_class_1_name%'
        EXPRESSION '%map_theme_class_1_expression%'
        COLOR 200 250 200
        OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0

But the legend just displays the string "%map_theme_class_1_name%" instead
of the value bound by that parameter.  Any clues on how to proceed?

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