[mapserver-users] Displaying Huge Data on Mapserver

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Fri Aug 21 09:25:43 EDT 2009

Rishikant Lal wrote:
> Dear Friends,
> I have a problem. I am trying to display nearly 10 Million Rows of Point 
> feature on Map Server. I have imported the Data on Post GIS, Created 
> GistIndex and even used Fast CGI. Features Display very quickly without 
> Labels. Problem occurs if I try to label them in Layer definition.
> Is there a way I can Label Features in MapServer, without affecting the 
> Map Display Speed.


The literal answer is no, you can't do more work without some impact on

How many points are you trying to label?

My understanding is that label collision detection in MapServer can get
very expensive when a lot of of labels are candidates for display.  If
you attempt to display an area in which 10000 points appear, it will be
very expensive even if after label collision detection they are weeded
down to a much smaller number.

If this is the issue, then you need to consider ways of restricting the
labelling to more reasonable numbers of points.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
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