[mapserver-users] WMS getFeatureInfo and GML

Liz Godwin godwin.liz at gmail.com
Mon Aug 31 14:14:04 PDT 2009

Hi list,

I have been beating myself over this one for a bit.  I have a layer, with
DUMP set to true, gml_include_items set to all, and TEMPLATE set to a value

I could be mistaken, however I thought that the GetFeatureInfo response
returned the GML of the feature clicked on and not just the bounding box of
a feature.  Am I mistaken?  Is there an extra setting I'm supposed to use?
Am I expected to do a follow up GetFeature from a WFS to get this?  I
thought there was a time when I could do this, so things might have changed.

This is my returned XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

                <gml:Box srsName="EPSG:42304">


Liz Eidsness
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