[mapserver-users] Export SVG

Rahkonen Jukka Jukka.Rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Wed Dec 2 02:27:55 PST 2009

Peter Hopfgartner wrote:
> Hi Maria,
> the fact that a SVG rendered by MapServer is simplified makes 
> sense, since what MapServer basically gives are maps, not raw 
> data. Imagine that you want a map of all European countries, 
> where your raw data has details down to something like a 
> meter, the resulting SVG file would easily scale up to some 
> GB of data.

There is no need to output ugly SVG even for small areas just because
serving the whole world with the same resolution would leed to
difficulties.  Maxscale/Minscale are used to control this situation in
other places, as well as MaxFeatures with WFS requests.  The example
Maria sent looks ugly for me and I am sure it can be improved.

Mapserver is sending raw data very effectively, as you said, through WFS
but also through WCS. 

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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