[mapserver-users] mapscript does not use GRID information when reprojecting rect object

francesco francesco.pirotti at unipd.it
Mon Dec 7 02:50:51 PST 2009

Hello I do not know if this it the right list to post, but I was 
wandering if any of you had trouble when using the "project()" function 
in mapscript (PHP). It does not use the grid file which is stated in the 
EPSG line in the epsg file inside the ...proj/nad directory. 
Reprojection of the map is wonderful, uses the grids, but script 
reproject of a rectangle object does not make use of the grids. I made 
sure of course that the epsg file which is read is the one I modified. 
Anyone had the same problem?

*Francesco Pirotti*
CIRGEO – Interdepartmental Research Center on Cartography Photogrammetry
Remote Sensing and G.I.S.
University of Padova
Web: http://www.cirgeo.unipd.it/cirgeo/francescopirotti.htm
Email: francesco.pirotti at unipd.it <mailto:francesco.pirotti at unipd.it>
Phone: +39 049 827 2710
Phone: +39 349 55 39 261

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