[mapserver-users] Expression Syntax

Jay Kapalczynski jkapalczynski at ci.maple-grove.mn.us
Thu Dec 10 13:20:58 PST 2009

Emiliano thanks for the response....yea I looked at the documentation and it was a bit fuzzy to me...

If I do them individually it works:
                #FILTERITEM 'USE1_DESC'
                #FILTER /.*%idOwnerQueryDESC%.*/i
                #FILTERITEM 'BLOCK'
                #FILTER /.*%idOwnerQueryBLOCK%.*/i

FILTER ([USE1_DESC]=%idOwnerQueryDESC% AND [BLOCK]=%idOwnerQueryBLOCK%)
ERROR: msEvalExpression: Expression parser error.  Failed to parse expression: =Residential AND  =006

I seemed to get a bunch of returns that were incorrect...seems like it grabbed all of them.


From: Emiliano Castañeda [mailto:emilianocastaneda at suremptec.com.ar]
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 2:13 PM
To: Jay Kapalczynski
Cc: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Expression Syntax


you must use FILTERITEM only for simple FILTER expressions (string comparison only)
for example:
FILTER "2005" ->fieldvalue
FILTERITEM "year" ->fieldname

For Logical FILTER expressions you do not define FILTERITEM. In this case you must place the FILTER between parentheses, and fieldnames between brackets

for example:
FILTER ([field1]<4000 AND "[field2]"=="Museum") -->observe quotes on both sides on text fields

See http://mapserver.org/mapfile/expressions.html#expressions for detail on how to build logical expressions

2009/12/10 Jay Kapalczynski <jkapalczynski at ci.maple-grove.mn.us<mailto:jkapalczynski at ci.maple-grove.mn.us>>
I looked on map server website in the documentation and cant get the synstax correct

I have two textboxes idOwner and idOwner2
I am a bit confused on the FILTERITEM because I am trying to write the expression to include two fields.

USE1_DESC and BLOCK are the two fields that form the query

  LAYER # Parcels Owner Layer
                    NAME 'Parcels'
                    DATA 'parcels/parcels.shp'
                    STATUS DEFAULT
                    TYPE POLYGON
                                qstring_validation_pattern '.'
                    TEMPLATE 'parcels/itemquery_parcels_Owner.html'

                    FILTERITEM 'USE1_DESC'

                    FILTER (* WHERE USE1_DESC = '%idOwner%' and BLOCK = '%idOwner2%')


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Ing. Emiliano Castañeda
SUR Emprendimientos Tecnológicos

Ing. Huergo 1189 (C1007AOL)
Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Tel. +54 (11) 5811-4552   ext. 107
emilianocastaneda at suremptec.com.ar<mailto:emilianocastaneda at suremptec.com.ar>
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