[mapserver-users] Label problem

Shaz N geo.engineer123 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 03:54:21 PST 2009

Hi all...

I want to have the street name labels placed within the width of road, in
the proper direction (angle etc) just like how it appears in Google Maps. I
am new to MapServer and I am not sure how I could achieve this.

This is what I tried:


        NAME 'AP Road'

        MAXSCALE 10000

        MINSCALE 5000


           COLOR 85 85 85

                 SYMBOL 'circle'

                 SIZE 4

                 ANTIALIAS TRUE



           COLOR 255 255 255

                 SYMBOL 'circle'

                 SIZE 2

                 ANTIALIAS TRUE



                ANGLE follow

                COLOR 0 0 0

                OUTLINECOLOR 255 255 255

                FONT arial

                TYPE TRUETYPE

                SIZE 8

                POSITION auto

                BUFFER 10



This did not help. I have 19 classes of roads in my road layer. The labels
are the same in almost all in the classes. Styles vary according to the
scale. What changes do I make..I am very confused. Please kindly advise me
on how to proceed.

Thank you very much.
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