[mapserver-users] Web interface

Dan Little danlittle at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 11 07:03:02 PST 2009

Like Bob said, there isn't any creation/management tools.  I've been running a general philiosophy that, at some points, users will need to hack mapfiles.  In the downloadable demo, we've been trying to give users enough exmaples to make it easy to learn and modify to their specific needs.  We also try to provide an example structure on how to make the management, of even large sites, sane.  And that sanity can be acheived with basic tools instead of needing to convolute the whole process.

I have been considering writing some code that would:
a) Provide online editing services with a "database" short of needing PostGIS, like oh, SpatialLite.  Something we could distribute more easily with the project.
b) Work with Bob (and the team he has) to generalize some of the tools they have developed, get them working with Spatial/SQLite and try to make them publically available.
c) Porting the code to Ruby and/or Python.  Ruby is my new favorite language but Python is more practical for a ton of reasons.  The PHP "works" and is fairly accessible to novice users but I find the language ugly and more difficult to maintain than the others.  Of course, PHP seems to be the defacto language of MS4W ... which is why we've stayed married to it.  I'm probably more likely to develop more user tools if it's in a language other than PHP.

Of course, any assistance in either man-hours or funding is greatly appreciated towards any of these ends.

----- Original Message ----
> From: Bob Basques <bob.b at gritechnologies.com>
> To: Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>
> Cc: mapserver-users at lists.osgeo.org
> Sent: Fri, December 11, 2009 8:20:17 AM
> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Web interface
> All,
> I can chime in here on something related.  While GeoMoose doesn't (currently) 
> have any Mapfile tools, I'm currently in the middle of a project that has built 
> out some autoconfigure items for MapServer.  The project is fairly specific in 
> it's business tasks so the configure aspects are in their infancy, but it's got 
> a real nice framework around it that will be very extensible.  We're using 
> GeoMoose, so it also (will) autoconfigure the GeoMoose interface to some degree, 
> and hopefully future versions will be able to more fully control things.
> BTW, the initial ease of setup of GeoMoose has enabled this type of control 
> structure very nicely.  Some of the future items to figure out, is how to best 
> accommodate those folks that also want to get into the MAPFILES and tweak them 
> manually while still maintaining the autoConfigure aspects.
> Look for something in the next 30-60 days.
> bobb
> Jeff McKenna wrote:
> > Dan Little wrote:
> >> (shameless plug) GeoMOOSE is very easy to setup and configure as a front-end 
> to MapServer. (end)
> >> 
> > 
> > Hi Dan,
> > 
> > I'm curious, does GeoMOOSE have any mapfile creation/management tools? If yes, 
> maybe you can point us all to a demo.
> > 
> > thanks.
> > 
> > -jeff
> > 
> > 
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