[mapserver-users] Accessing mapserver from Flash Script

Ken S. Elvehjem ets1 at runestone.net
Mon Dec 21 10:17:57 PST 2009

Bob, P Kishor, and Dan Little,

Thanks for the responses.

After reading the article at blooberry.com, it looks like other stuff needs to be fixed also.

Is there some other means of accessing the mapserver?  some of the documentation seemed to indicate that I should be generating a request in some kind of XML request.

I'd sure like to know if anyone is using Flash to actually access a mapserver.



----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Bob Basques 
  To: Ken S. Elvehjem 
  Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2009 8:26 PM
  Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Accessing mapserver from Flash Script


  You could try to enocde the entire URL from stage one.  Read more here:


  Using the converter near the bottom of the page, your URL goes from :




  You can even escape the "&" characters if needed using the same syntax.


  Ken S. Elvehjem wrote: 


    I have set up a Mapserver which serves up aerial photography.  Works better than "just great!" 

    Now, I'm trying to write some web/flash based software using the OpenLaszlo software.  This product allows me to write a "script" in a kind of XML, which then gets compiled to a Flash .swf file. 

    With this tool, I can set an image(JPEG) on my page from anywhere on the web, simply by using the correct URL.  However, I cannot understand how to create the URL to get a JPG file from the mapserver.  The troubleshooting data suggests that the problem is with an "unescaped ampersand (&) ... is there a way to escape this escape madness?   



    This URL is also problematic, tho it's not a "MapServer" url: 


    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! 


    Ken S. Elvehjem 
    Ken S. Elvehjem
    PO Box 37
    Lowry MN  56349

    320.424.1299 c
    320.283.5247 h
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