AW: [mapserver-users] GetFeatureInfo problem

Schönhammer, Herbert Schoenhammer.Herbert at
Mon Feb 9 22:25:32 PST 2009


I observed a similar problem changing from mapserver 4.10.x to mapserver 5.x.x. I got the identical error message, but I'm using postgis.

Defining a wfs, you must define a DATA statement.

In your case something like this:

    DATA 'KGEOM(?) from (SELECT BLOAZ, TAJOL, MERAR, ORT1X, ORT1Y, ORT2X, ORT2Y, KGEOM, TGEOM, SORSZAM, bgeom FROM blokk_a0 WHERE sorszam = 26 as foo using unique xxx using SRID=yyyy'

In my case, the error occured, if the datatype of attribute xxx was a character datatype (like character varying). This is allowed by mapserver 4.x.x.

Mapserver 5.x.x expects a numeric datatype (int or serial or something like this) as datatype for the fid attribute.

So in my case changing the datatype of the fid attribute solved the problem. Perhaps this might ba a solution for you too.


>-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>Von: mapserver-users-bounces at
>[mailto:mapserver-users-bounces at] Im Auftrag
>von Balázs Bámer
>Gesendet: Montag, 9. Februar 2009 22:10
>An: mapserver-users at
>Betreff: [mapserver-users] GetFeatureInfo problem
>Hi All,
>My OS is Ubuntu 8.10, Mapbender is 2.5, WMS is Mapserver 5.2.1 which
>seems all right, I have an experimental MapBender GUI:
>user: mapbenderlist, pass: =]-[0p
>For non-Mapbender users, feature info is requested with the 'i' button
>for any feature.
>Feature info function hasn't worked for me yet. When I try red
>features (layer szerkesztheto), it seems OK but no info shown at all.
>Same for the point layer.
>For green ones (csakolv), an error message is returned:
>msOracleSpatialLayerGetShape(): OracleSpatial error. Error: ORA-00932:
>inconsistent datatypes: expected %s got %s
> . Query statement: SELECT BLOAZ, TAJOL, MERAR, ORT1X, ORT1Y, ORT2X,
>ORT2Y, KGEOM, TGEOM, SORSZAM, bgeom FROM blokk_a0 WHERE sorszam = 26
>.Check your data statement.
>Which, however, works in SQL Developer. The above message is shown
>also in Mapserver log. You can see my map settings here:

What goes wrong for the error and the nothing-shown case?

thank you in advance.
Best regards: Balázs Bámer
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