[mapserver-users] WFS Layer + C# map script

Yewondwossen Assefa yassefa at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Feb 26 08:13:11 PST 2009

Hi Murty,

  MapServer does a request to the WFS server to get the GML file. This 
GML file is saved locally  and rendered by OGR as a vector layer.
  You might want to check the file you got from the server (should be 
inside web.imagepath (xxxx.tmp.gml) and see if it is valid or/if can be 
opened with ogr.

Best Regards

Murty Maganti wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying load a WFS layer and getting the following error calling 
> mapObj.draw(). Is WFS layer handled by OGR or is it handled directly by 
> map server. When I ran ‘orginfo –formats’, it does not show WFS as 
> supported format by OGR. WFS URL in map file is correct and I can see 
> the capabilities xml in browser using the url.
> Here is the error
> msDrawMap(): Image handling error. Failed to draw layer named 
> ‘Municipality (id=0)'.;msOGRFileOpen(): OGR error. Open failed for OGR 
> connection in layer ` Municipality (id=0)'.  File not found or 
> unsupported format.
> Layer entry in the map file
>     CONNECTION "http://vmonp03/wfsconnector/com.esri.wfs.Esrimap/ MS01?"
>       "wfs_srs"      "EPSG:26917"
>       "wfs_request_method"         "GET"
>       "wfs_typename"       "Municipality-0"
>       "wfs_service"              "WFS"
>       "wfs_version"             "1.0.0"
>     END
>     NAME "Municipality (id=0)"
>     CLASS
>       NAME "Municipality (id=0)"
>       STYLE
>         COLOR 184 155 225
>         OPACITY 100
>         OUTLINECOLOR 0 0 0
>         SYMBOL 0
>       END
>     END
>   END
> Thanks
> Murty
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Assefa Yewondwossen
Software Analyst

Email: assefa at dmsolutions.ca

Phone: (613) 565-5056 (ext 14)
Fax:   (613) 565-0925

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