[mapserver-users] Color palette for road-like layers

Adrian Popa adrian_gh.popa at romtelecom.ro
Tue Jan 6 23:47:54 PST 2009

Thank you all for your help,

I had the feeling this is how it's done, but I was hoping for a simpler 

Anyway, now I must only find some decent colors for my layers :)

Paul Spencer wrote:
> Adrian,
> that is a fairly simple trick, you need to draw roads twice to do it.  
> You can do that with two separate layers or two STYLE objects within a 
> class depending on what effect you want to achieve.
> In both cases, you just draw the road 2 pixels wider in your 'outline' 
> color (called a casement).  For instance, assuming you are using two 
> STYLE objects:
>   NAME "Major Roads"
>   DATA myroads
>     NAME "Major Roads"
>     STYLE #Casement style
>         SIZE 9
>         COLOR 192 192 192
>         SYMBOL "circle"
>     END
>     STYLE #Center style
>         SIZE 7
>         COLOR 255 255 255
>         SYMBOL "circle"
>     END
>   END
> You would use two separate layers to draw the casement and center 
> style if you had several layers and/or classes of roads that you 
> wanted to 'merge' the casements - in your google screenshoot, you 
> should notice that the grey casement on Hollywood St merges with the 
> casement on W 8th St and there is no grey line between the two center 
> colors, this would be how to achieve a similar effect in MapServer.
> Cheers
> Paul
> On 6-Jan-09, at 3:51 AM, Adrian Popa wrote:
>> Yes Bob, I like the roads. :)
>> Can you show me how you are able to draw contours around your roads?
>> Thanks
>> Bob Basques wrote:
>>> Adrian,
>>> Would the lines used for this map work for you?
>>> https://gis.ci.stpaul.mn.us/gis/gismo_public/html/
>>> Looks like the original Mapfile link is broken though, I'll need to 
>>> fix that in the morning.
>>> bobb
>> -- 
>> Adrian Popa
>> Network Engineer
>> Romtelecom S.A.
>> Divizia Centrul National de Operare Retea
>> Departament Transport IP & Metro
>> Compartiment IP Core
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Adrian Popa

Network Engineer
Romtelecom S.A.
Divizia Centrul National de Operare Retea
Departament Transport IP & Metro
Compartiment IP Core

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