[mapserver-users] mapserver or MS4W package on Windows x64

John Callahan john.callahan at UDel.Edu
Thu Jul 9 06:46:48 PDT 2009

I started working with the x64 binaries from Tamas' site at 
http://vbkto.dyndns.org:1280/sdk/Default.aspx.  MSVC2005 (Win64) seemed 
most appropriate for me.  However, I did not see php mapscript support.  
Is that true?  I did see mapscript for java, python, and csharp. 

Can php mapscript run at all with x64 versions of Apache/PHP and/or 
Mapserver?   If not, then I'll have to give up x64 or PHP.  Bummer.

I've also been reading that I should run Mapserver in fastcgi mode, in 
either Win32 or Win64 versions. Does that mean to use PHP mapscript that 
I need to run PHP in cgi/fastcgi mode and NOT as an apache module?

Thanks for any advice.  It's a bit confusing.

- John

John Callahan, Geospatial Application Developer
Delaware Geological Survey, University of Delaware
URL: http://www.dgs.udel.edu

John Callahan wrote:
> I have an existing server running x64 Windows Server 2008.  I've been 
> running x64 version sof Apache 2.2.10 and PHP 5.2.5 as downloaded and 
> described here: 
> http://www.elxis.org/guides/developers-guides/64bit-apache-php-mysql-windows.html   
> (PHP is currently running as an apache module)
> My question is could I use MS4W and follow the instructions under 
> Installing for other Environments 
> (http://www.maptools.org/ms4w/index.phtml?page=README_INSTALL_3.0.html#j-installing-the-ms4w-mapserver-binaries-in-other-environments) 
> Or, should I install the pieces (mapserver, gdal, etc...) separately, 
> and possibly got the x64 versions from 
> http://vbkto.dyndns.org:1280/sdk/Default.aspx ?
> At the start, I'll be using Mapserver for viewing of basic WMS 
> services, nothing fancy.  Not too far in the future though, I'll be 
> using PHP or Python mapscript code, and/or implementing a package like 
> GeoMoose. My data will be shapefiles, PostGIs features, and a few 
> raster formats.  
> Any suggestions on where I should start with setting up my server?  
> Thanks.
> - John
> **************************************************
> John Callahan, Geospatial Application Developer
> Delaware Geological Survey, University of Delaware
> URL: http://www.dgs.udel.edu
> **************************************************
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