[mapserver-users] Building Mapserver with Mapscript and AGG

Andy Colson andy at squeakycode.net
Thu Jul 16 10:49:25 PDT 2009

Jason Beverage wrote:
> Hi Andy,
> I tried modifying both the Makefile.in.Linux as well as the regular 
> makefile.  I can see -fPIC on the command line, so it appears to be 
> doing what I want, but I still get the same error in both cases.
> Jason

Did you build mapserver with agg first, before mapscript?  I'm using the 
perl stuff, but saw a similar error.  I went back and did a 'make clean' 
and make for each of agg, mapserver and then mapscript/perl.  (in that 

Otherwise, I'm afraid I dunno...


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