[mapserver-users] Scaling Image Symbol Offset

Andreas Albarello andreas.albarello at territoriumonline.com
Fri Jul 17 01:48:01 PDT 2009

David Martin wrote:
> Thanks for the clarification however how would that solution actually
> work? I would have thought that this would offset the location even
> further! Where does MS put the PIXMAP symbol on output? From my
> testing it appears to the UC (using label location rules) is this
> true - I would have thought it should be centered CC of the PIXMAP
> but this does not appear to be the case.


I've always seen Mapserver/AGG putting the PIXMAP symbol centered CC
onto the point geometry, and this seems to be confirmed by a quick look
at the code in mapagg.cpp.

I might add, though, that I always define a symbol for any PIXMAP in my
symbol file before using it in my mapfiles. If the path to the image is
given directly inside the mapfile or there's a binding to a field as in
your case, things might actually be different. Still, it would seem
quite odd to me...

Best regards,
Andreas Albarello
Analysis & SW Development

Territorium Online srl/GmbH
Via Buozzi Str. 12
I 39100 Bolzano/Bozen

Phone:  +39 0471 068611
Fax:    +39 0471 068619

email: andreas.albarello at territoriumonline.com
web:   http://www.territoriumonline.com

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