[mapserver-users] msConvertWideStringToUTF8(): General error message. Encoding not supported by libiconv (UTF-16LE)

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Thu Jul 23 05:48:10 PDT 2009

Mr. Bic Phuong wrote:
> I hope someone can solve this problem, our project is delayed by this error.
> the GetFeatureInfo function is failed:
> msConvertWideStringToUTF8(): General error message. Encoding not supported
> by libiconv (UTF-16LE)

This error message is telling you that the libiconv library, which is 
used by MapServer for encoding conversions, does not support UTF-16LE on 
that server.

You need to find out which libiconv your Mapserver was compiled with and 
then make sure that copy of libiconv has support for the UTF-16LE 
encoding. You can list the encodings supported by libiconv on a given 
system using "iconv -l"... make sure UTF-16LE is there.

> this error accured when I'm setting up a webgis on the second Red Hat
> Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.3, on the first RHEL 5.3, GetFeatureInfo is
> working perfect.

Look for a difference between the two servers related to libiconv.

Daniel Morissette

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