[mapserver-users] how to retrieve 2 records at the same point with getfeatureinfo

Markus Spring m.spring at gmx.de
Fri Jul 24 05:03:30 PDT 2009

Hi list,

I have a shapefile with 2 points at the same location. Displaying the shape and 
selecting this point in gvSIG shows two records.

However a getfeatureinfo request always retrieves only one record. I have the 
following settings in the mapfile

       WMS_FEATURE_INFO_MIME_TYPE  "text/html"
       WMS_INCLUDE_ITEMS           "all"
       OWS_INCLUDE_ITEMS           "all"

The problem remains the same if I change the mime type in request and mapfile to 
text/plain. Is this a feature of ogc wms, is this a bug or do I have to set a 
special parameter ?


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