[mapserver-users] cartographic lines

David Nugent davidn at datalinktech.com.au
Wed Jun 10 17:27:04 PDT 2009

On Tue, 09 Jun 2009 16:21:32 +1000, David Nugent  
<davidn at datalinktech.com.au> wrote:

> On Tue, 09 Jun 2009 14:06:09 +1000, Rahkonen Jukka  
> <Jukka.Rahkonen at mmmtike.fi> wrote:
>> Thomas Bonfort seems to do it this way:
>>         EXPRESSION "primary"
>>         STYLE
>>             WIDTH 14
>>             OUTLINECOLOR "#B7AC9A"
>>             OUTLINEWIDTH 1
>>             MINWIDTH 1.5
>>             MAXWIDTH 12
>>         END
>>         STYLE
>>             WIDTH 14
>>             COLOR "#FFFF7A"
>>             MINWIDTH 1.5
>>             MAXWIDTH 12
>>         END
>>    END
> Thanks, I'll give it a shot and post the results. IIRC though when I  
> tried a variation of this a couple of weeks back I kept getting the  
> mapserver message: "Cartoline drawing is deprecated with AGG", so I  
> figured that wasn't the correct way to do it. :-)

Just to follow this up... yes, I do get the error message in the  
$MS_ERRORFILE but it renders correctly regardless.

Is this message something I should be worried about?

I have also mostly resolved the background problem I mentioned in my  
previous post. I'm not sure why but it simply stopped happening when I  
changed all colour specifications to quoted hexadecimal instead of  
individual R G B values. Just to be sure it wasn't a quirk I played with  
RGBA rendering and different values of IMAGECOLOR and sure enough the  
background changed accordingly.  It is still rendering black outside of  
the EXTENT defined in the mapfile however (which it doesn't when rendering  
RGB), but I don't consider that a problem.


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