[mapserver-users] How to label a feature once.

Paul Moen pmoen at offroadsoftware.com
Fri Jun 12 00:15:15 EDT 2009

I figured it out.  The images I am using are tiled so there are 4  
images server by Mapserver with each labeled one time, which gives the  
appearance of 4 labels on one feature. So, Mapserver is working  
exactly the way it should and I am not.

On Jun 11, 2009, at 11:09 PM, David Nugent wrote:

> On Fri, 12 Jun 2009 13:34:06 +1000, Paul Moen <pmoen at offroadsoftware.com 
> > wrote:
>> Thanks for the reply.  Unfortunately for me, that was the first  
>> thing that I tried.  No matter what value I put in for MINDISTANCE  
>> the output remained the same.
> See if POSITION CC helps.
> IIRC there is some strange interaction between MINDISTANCE and  
> Mapserver is not without some quirks. :)
> Regards,
> David
>> Thanks,
>> Paul
>>> On Fri, 12 Jun 2009 12:59:55 +1000, Paul Moen <pmoen at offroadsoftware.com 
>>> > wrote:
>>>> Is there anyway to label a polygon once?  One feature one label.   
>>>> I am
>>>> using Mapserver 5.4.1.  Image below shows the problem, there seem  
>>>> to
>>>> be 4 labels in each township polygon.
>>> I would usually use MINDISTANCE with a large value in the LABEL  
>>> section to solve this.
>>> Regards,
>>> David

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