[mapserver-users] AGG vs GD rendering shows no difference

Andreas Albarello andreas.albarello at territoriumonline.com
Tue Jun 16 05:44:02 PDT 2009

On 16 Jun 2009, at 14:25, Adrian Popa wrote:

> Hello David,
> I got the 500 errors from the http error log file. Unfortunately no  
> additional information is provided.
> I added the MS_ERRORFILE and DEBUG statements to my map file and  
> although the errorfile is created, I don't get any other information  
> (neither when the map loads perfectly, nor when it dies with  
> premature end of script headers.
> I read RFC 28 (http://mapserver.org/development/rfc/ms-rfc-28.html)  
> and they specified that the server should be compiled with - 
> DENABLE_STDERR_DEBUG, so I recompiled mapserver:
> CFLAGS=-DENABLE_STDERR_DEBUG ./configure  --with-freetype --with-png  
> --with-agg=../agg-2.5 --with-proj --with-ogr --with-gdal --with-xml2  
> --with-wfs --with-wcs --with-wmsclient --with-wfsclient --with- 
> postgis --with-threads --with-sos --with-mygis --with-geos --with-tiff
> I used the new binary and unfortunately nothing changed :(
> My (relevant part of the) mapfile looks like this:
> CONFIG  "MS_ERRORFILE" "/tmp/mapserver.log"
> DEBUG 5                        ...
> What else can I try?

Try to bypass the webserver/CGI stuff and launch shp2img directly from  
the shell, that should hopefully yield some better output:

shp2img -o test.png -m mapfile.map

If you haven't already done so in your mapfile, you might need to add  
an image size (-s 500 500) and/or an extent (-e minx miny maxx maxy)  
to the above command line options.

Best regards,
Andreas Albarello
Analysis & SW Development

Territorium Online srl/GmbH
Via Buozzi/Buozzistraße 12 - I 39100 Bolzano/Bozen
email: andreas.albarello at territoriumonline.com
web:   www.territoriumonline.com

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