[mapserver-users] clipping symbols at tile boundary?

Wendell Turner wendell at enflight.com
Thu Jun 18 16:59:24 PDT 2009

(this must be basic, but here goes anyway...)

I'm using Mapserver 5.2 with OpenLayers 2.7.  I have a
vector mapserver layer with point objects (shown with circle
symbols) on it.  The vector layer referenced via
OpenLayers.Layer.WMS and is tiled.

The circles are displayed in the tile that the center is on,
but not the adjacent tiles.   That is, if a circle is near
the edge, part of the circle is chopped off.

Is that what 'BUFFER 10' fixes?  What about 'PARTIALS
FALSE'?  That seems to be just for labels, but that only
shows the label when it completely lies within the tile.
Do I need to turn off tiling completely?



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