[mapserver-users] Grave performance issue with MapServer and GDAL/OCI driver

Niccolo Rigacci osm at rigacci.org
Mon Jun 29 17:40:05 EDT 2009

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 03:39:51PM -0300, Jeff McKenna wrote:
>> I suppose that the FGS build [1] of MapServer does not include Oracle 
>> support, does it?
> I recommend that you join the FGS mailing list[1], as there was a recent  
> thread on this[2].
> [2] http://lists.maptools.org/pipermail/foss-gis-suite/2009-June/000726.html

Normand Savard added the Oracle support into the GDAL/OGR library 
(which I use and which has the severe slowdown).

Unfortunately the FGS build does not include the native Oracle 
support into the MapServer binary.

Including such support is a nightmare due license restrictions on 
the Oracle client, I think.

Niccolo Rigacci
Firenze - Italy

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