[mapserver-users] PHP mapscript - browser showing blank page

kmanoj-pg7 kmanoj-pg7 kmanoj-pg7 at iiitmk.ac.in
Mon Mar 2 02:30:35 PST 2009

Dear users,

I am using  mapserver 5.0.3 , php 5.2.5 version on fedora 9. I am trying to
work out the examples given in the mapserver site, but i am getting the
blank page when i call the link through browser


 Mapscript is working fine without making any problem, but when i trying to
import mapfile in PHP and cascade it through the mapserver, it rendering
blank page in the browser.
i think it could be a problem of extent.

Herewith i am attaching my mapfile and php file for your kind perusal

can anyone please puzzled out this problem.

suggestion will be appreciated.

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