[mapserver-users] cartographic symbol construction with mapserver

thomas bonfort thomas.bonfort at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 08:07:13 PDT 2009

the orientation of the symbol depends on the orientation of the
underlying line, so to have all your triangles oriented inwards, you
have to ensure that all your polygons are digitized with same
orientation (i.e. clockwise or anticlockwise).

hope this helps,

thomas bonfort

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 10:06, Sindy RAOUT <bysid at hotmail.fr> wrote:
> Good morning,
> I would like to create with mapserver 5 symbols of type polygons composed of
> a line on which rest orientated inwards triangles. I wish  the orientation
> of triangles take into account the topology of the polygon. I would wish
> that triangles are always orientated inwards. I have a database and I cannot
> use the symbols of the files of mapfiles and shapefiles.In the same way, I
> would like to create symbols lines with the same requirements. I would like
> that the symbols which compose the line are oriented by the topology of the
> line.
>  Thank you for helping me.
>  Sindy RAOUT - BRGM (France)
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